Web Page Design for Designers

 Virtual Slide Show























Instead of having a continuously scrolling web page, sometimes it is preferable to present information in screen-sized chunks, as would be the case in a multimedia or slide show presentation.

By using tables, you can control the way the 'slides' fit the browser window.

Clicking on a Next button will jump to an Anchor directly above the next slide.

The 'slides' are arranged one above the other like a film strip.

By putting only text or small graphics in the first slides, it gives the slides below time to load up unobtrusively.
















< The four corner pieces of the table are set to 10% Width and Height >




Centering the image in the browser window is
accomplished by using a table like this.

For clarity, the cell backgrounds have been given a colour
to make them visible.

Firstly, the whole table is set to be 95% Width and Height.

This makes it fit comfortably within the browser window
automatically adjusting to its size.

It has 3 Columns and 3 Rows with the main
area floating in the middle but other combinations may
suit your particular layout better.









































The smooth blue gradient in the last slide was not created in Photoshop but in Macromedia Director which has a very clever 8-bit gradient algorithm that uses the best possible blues from the web palette and dithers between them.

The gradient was copied and pasted into a Photoshop layer and the file indexed to an Exact palette.

Have a look at the source code to find out some other tricks.











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